COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information2022-12-13T09:44:03-07:00

Recent Updates

We always prioritize our patient’s health and safety. Due to COVID-19, it has improved even more. As a team of trained dental professionals, we are dedicated to maintaining a safe environment for our patients in the Glendale and Scottsdale areas. Our commitment to your safety is even more important to our patients during the COIVD-19 outbreak. Quality infection control procedures have always been at the core while continuing to meet the CDC and OSHA requirements. We have also implemented new, additional safety protocols.

• Newly installed REME Halo in-duct air purifier & ionizer
• Newly installed hand washing stations
• Newly installed AC and ducts (Glendale office)
• Newly designed spacious waiting room (Glendale office)
• Newly designed larger treatment rooms (Glendale office)
• More separation between treatment rooms (Glendale office)
• More rigorous infection-control throughout the office
• Requiring staff to wearing additional PPE
• Requiring staff to wear masks at all times

• Requiring staff to check their temperatures
• Requiring staff to self quarantine if infected or exposed
• Requesting to wear a mask at all times
• Requesting to take your temperatures upon arrival
• Requesting to fill out COVID-19 questionnaire forms
• Requesting to wash your hands before treatment
• Requesting to wait in the treatment room
• Rescheduling any scheduled patients who are exposed COVID-19
• Rescheduling any scheduled patients who are infected with COVID-19

Please note that these are only examples of the new protocols. As the situation improves, the protocols may change as well. These new protocols will help maintain a safe environment while we address your dental needs

COVID-19 Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to common questions we’ve received during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you have additional questions, please contact our office.

I was exposed to or infected with COVID-19, but I have a severe toothache. How can I feel better?2021-02-10T00:26:56-07:00

Please call the office immediately to get the medicine first. Once the tooth pain/infection is managed, we can see you 14 days after the initial exposure/infection to COVID-19. If infected with COVID-19, we may require your primary physicians clearance.

I was exposed to COVID-19, but I’m not sick. Can I still come in for my appointment?2021-02-10T00:26:40-07:00

Please call the office and reschedule your appointment. It should be rescheduled to minimum 14 days from the known exposure date.

What do I do if I don’t have a mask?2021-02-10T00:22:12-07:00

We will be happy to provide a mask for you.

I had COVID-19 and I was admitted to the hospital. When can I make an appointment?2021-02-10T00:26:05-07:00

Please get your clearance from your medical doctor prior to scheduling with our offices

I’m not sick nor have any fever, but I’m coughing heavily. Can I come in still?2021-02-10T00:25:23-07:00

Please call to reschedule to minimum 14 days out.

I have already been seen in your office, but didn’t realize that I was exposed to COVID-19 until now.2021-02-10T00:27:47-07:00

Please call the office and inform us when was estimated time of exposure.

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About Our Practice

Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

Contact Info

12345 West Elm Street

Phone: 1.888.456.7890

Fax: 1.888.654.9876

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