Tooth loss is a serious dental condition that can severely impact one’s quality of life.  Treating tooth loss goes beyond aesthetics. Without treatment, missing teeth can exacerbate oral health problems, like gum disease and bone loss in the jaw. Tooth loss can also create  a chain reaction that leads to poor nutrition, social disadvantages, difficulty communicating, and emotional distress. 

For those experiencing tooth loss, understanding the difference between dental bridges and implants is important. These are the two most effective options for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile.

What is a Dental Bridge?

As the name suggests, a dental bridge is a restoration option that bridges gaps in teeth. The device contains artificial teeth made from resin or porcelain and crowns, which are placed over existing, sturdy teeth that neighbor a missing gap. This approach is the most traditional method, but in other cases, connector posts (called abutments) may be used instead of natural teeth to anchor the dental bridge. 

Dental Bridge vs. Implant: Which One Should You Choose?

Pros and Cons of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a cost-effective method of replacing missing teeth. Thanks to advancing techniques, pontics (artificial teeth) can be created to emulate the color and shape of a patient’s existing tooth, offering a natural and secure way to restore one’s smile, chew, communicate, and maintain or restore jaw structure. 

When comparing a tooth bridge vs. an implant, dental bridges come out on top as a faster, non-surgical, and budget-friendly solution to tooth loss. Their main drawback is that they are temporary and risk affecting the health of the remaining teeth. This risk is because dental bridges require reshaping or reducing neighboring teeth.

For the bridge to sit securely, the enamel of otherwise healthy teeth is removed, which is a permanent alteration and can lead to issues down the line, like tooth sensitivity or weakening. When comparing bridges vs. implant options, patients should consider if the bridges’ impermanence is an issue for them. Dental bridges also need to be replaced every 10-15 years or sooner if not properly cared for. 

The choice between a tooth bridge vs. an implant also depends on whether the patient has enough natural tooth roots to support a temporary device like a bridge. If not, dental implants will likely be a more realistic option.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss and are considered the gold standard in dentistry.

Dental implants are artificial teeth secured into the jawbone with a titanium screw, mimicking the function of a natural tooth root. The dental implant is inserted into the jawbone, where the missing tooth’s roots are located.

Just like dental bridges, dental implants look and feel like natural teeth but are much sturdier and permanent. A dental implant can even support a bridge, crown, or denture if secured correctly on a healthy jawbone.

Dental implants have a well-documented success rate as the bone grows around the implant post-surgery and fuses it into place.

There are four different types of dental implants, including:

Mini dental implants: Similar to traditional dental implants, except smaller and supports the replacement tooth with a one-piece screw.

Endosteal/endosseous dental implants: The most common dental implant made from titanium screws that are placed in the jawbone

Subperiosteal implants: A type of dental implant designed for patients with weaker jawbones that sits between the jawbone and the gum.

All-on-4 implants: Instead of individual implants, this implant inserts four posts into the jawbone as anchors.

Dental Bridge vs. Implant: Which One Should You Choose?

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss and a better option for patients who want to keep their natural teeth intact. As the screw-like titanium pieces are inserted into the jawbone, they don’t require neighboring teeth to hold them into place, nor will they slip or cause damage to adjacent teeth. Dental implants should also last a lifetime. 

Another advantage to consider when deciding between implants or bridges is that dental bridges rely on the neighboring teeth for support, and dental implants rely on the jawbone, which is a more stable anchor.

The potential drawbacks of dental implants arise when a patient’s jawbone does not have sufficient bone mass and density to fuse the implant to the bone. If this is the case, bone grafting is required to build up the jaw. The healing process for dental implants also takes longer than that for dental bridges.

Dental Bridge vs. Implant Cost

When contemplating dental treatments, it’s important to compare the cost of dental bridges and implants while factoring in age, lifestyle, and budget.

While dental bridges are generally cheaper upfront than implants, the long-term costs can vary. Bridges typically need replacement sooner, whereas dental implants can last up to 20 years or more with proper care. This means that, over time, factors like age and maintenance can impact the overall expense of each option.

In the United States, dental implants cost around $3,000 to $4,500 per tooth. Because they are often classified as cosmetic rather than medically necessary, most insurance companies do not cover them or offer only partial coverage. As a result, implants tend to be a significant out-of-pocket investment but are usually only a one-time expense.

Dental Bridge vs. Implant: Which One Should You Choose?

On the other hand, dental bridges are more affordable and widely covered by insurance if deemed medically necessary. Since they require fewer materials and dentist visits than implants, insurance providers typically cover 50% to 80% of the cost. Without insurance, dental bridges range from $500 to $1,500 per tooth (excluding the crown), depending on factors like materials, location, and placement complexity.

Other Dental Options

Most people experiencing tooth loss choose between implants or bridges, but other dental alternatives include partial dentures or space maintainers.

Partial dentures are removable devices that clip to sturdy teeth and fill in the gaps of missing teeth. Partial dentures can be an option when looking for a budget-friendly solution, but dentists generally don’t recommend this option for long-term use.

Compared to dental bridges or implants, partial dentures are far less sturdy, require daily upkeep, and can interfere with eating or speaking. Plus, partial dentures should be removed when not in use, such as when sleeping.

Another option is a space maintainer for patients who can’t replace a missing tooth right away, like those priced out of implants or bridges or children waiting for an adult tooth to come in.  Space maintainers are pieces of metal that keep the space of missing teeth intact and prevent surrounding teeth from moving to fill in the gaps.

Dental Bridge vs. Implant – Which One Is Right for You?

The implant vs. bridge debate is a highly personal one. Direct costs and insurance influence many patients’ decisions, but certain health conditions can leave patients with only one choice. For example, patients missing numerous teeth may be required to get a dental bridge, and patients with pre-existing health conditions, like diabetes, make surgery a high-risk option, ruling out dental implants.

All in all, if a patient is in full health with a jawbone strong enough to support surgery, dental implants are a permanent choice that minimizes damage to surrounding teeth and have a success rate of up to 98%. However, the price of this treatment can make it inaccessible for some. In this case, your treatment depends on your insurance: preventive, restorative, or orthodontic. If you don’t have insurance and the dental bridge vs. implant cost is still unfeasible, talk to your dentist about partial dentures.

Lifestyle also plays a factor in the decision. The dental implant process can take months since the bone needs to heal and fuse around the implant in a process called osseointegration. The ability of the bone to support the dental implant is key to its permanence and sturdiness.

In comparison, a dental bridge usually takes two to three weeks to complete over two dentist visits. The first visit involves taking impressions, and the second visit involves installing and adjusting the device.

If you’re debating dental implant vs. bridge, contact our team at Corner Dentistry for guidance you can trust. To learn more about tooth bridge vs. implants and other dentistry options, visit our Treatments page or book an appointment today.